The largest power plant in Bangladesh is the Rooppur Nuclear Power Plant. With a capacity of 2400 MW, it is the country’s largest power plant.
- Bangladesh aims to become a developed nation by 2041. Securing sufficient electricity supply is critical for economic growth.
- To meet demand, Bangladesh plans to generate 24,000 MW by 2021 under its Power System Master Plan. Nuclear will provide 10% of generation beyond 2030.
- Rooppur Nuclear Power Plant which will be the biggest power plant in Bangladesh’s history.
Largest Power Plant In Bangladesh: Bangladesh’s

- Bangladesh started its nuclear program in 2009 following IAEA’s Milestones approach.
- The IAEA has provided extensive support through training, reviews, and recommendations.
- Key milestones: Establishing Nuclear Energy Program Implementing Organization (NEPIO) in 2010, forming national committees, developing legislative framework.
- Human resource development through educating nuclear engineers and training personnel.
- Regulatory body BAERA established in 2012 to oversee licensing and supervision.
Rooppur NPP Project Overview
- Plant will have two VVER-1200 reactors designed by Russia, each 1200 MW.
- Construction began in 2013 under bilateral agreements between Bangladesh and Russia.
- Preparatory work underway – site studies, safety assessments, obtaining licenses.
- Incorporates lessons learned from major nuclear accidents and site-specific climate conditions.
- Has active and passive safety systems for defense-in-depth.
- Expected to provide low-cost, base load power for 60 years.
Basic Parts of VVER-1200 Reactor

Reactor Core:
- Reactor Pressure Vessel (RPV): Houses the reactor core and coolant under high pressure. (~177 meters tall, 4.5 meters in diameter)
- Reactor Core: Contains fuel assemblies, control rods, and moderator assemblies.
- Control Rods: Absorb neutrons to control reactor power.
- Moderator Assemblies: Slow down neutrons to sustain the chain reaction.
Coolant System:
- Primary Coolant Loops: Four loops circulate pressurized water through the reactor core and heat exchangers.
- Reactor Coolant Pumps (RCPs): Drive the primary coolant loops. (4 RCPs per loop)
- Steam Generators (SGs): Transfer heat from the primary coolant to the secondary coolant loop.
- Pressurizer: Maintains constant pressure in the primary coolant loop.
Secondary Coolant System:
- Secondary Coolant Loops: Transfer heat from the steam generators to the turbine and then condense back to water.
- Turbine: Converts thermal energy from steam into mechanical energy to drive the generator.
- Condenser: Condenses the exhaust steam from the turbine back into water.
- Cooling Towers: Cool down the secondary coolant loop water for reuse.
- Containment Building: Encloses the reactor and related systems to prevent radioactive releases in case of accidents.
Control and Instrumentation:
- Control Rod Drive Mechanisms (CRDMs): Move the control rods within the reactor core.
- Instrumentation and Control (I&C) Systems: Monitor and control reactor operation, safety systems, and plant parameters.
Additional Systems:
- Emergency Core Cooling System (ECCS): Provides cooling to the reactor core in case of loss of primary coolant.
- Spent Fuel Pool: Stores used fuel assemblies after removal from the reactor core.
- Waste Management Systems: Handle radioactive waste generated during plant operation.
Safety of The Largest Power Plant in Bangladesh

- Highest safety standards mandated by national regulations and IAEA guidelines.
- Incorporated lessons from Chernobyl, Three Mile Island and Fukushima.
- Defense-in-depth approach with multiple barriers for radiation containment.

- Both active and passive safety systems for accident prevention and mitigation.
- Withstand 72 hours without power or external assistance.
- Radiation exposure controlled and monitored to meet national and IAEA limits.
Contribution to Bangladesh’s Advancement
- Will meet 10% of electricity demand beyond 2030, enhancing energy security.
- Provide stable base load for economic growth and development goals.
- Validate national pride and technological advancement as a “nuclear club” member.
- Create economic benefits – investment, employment, taxes.
- Opportunity to develop knowledge infrastructure through training personnel.
- Milestone toward zero poverty and high-income nation status by 2041.
Which One Is The Largest Power Plant Of Bangladesh?
The largest power plant in Bangladesh is the Rooppur Nuclear Power Plant
What reactors will be used at Rooppur NPP?
The plant will have two VVER-1200 reactors designed by Russia. VVER stands for Water-Water Energetic Reactor.
How much power will each reactor generate?
Each reactor will have an electrical output of 1200 MW. So the total capacity will be 2400 MW.
When will the plant start operating?
The first reactor is expected to begin operating in 2023, followed by the second in 2024.
How long will the plant operate?
The design lifetime is 60 years. So if commissioned in 2023-24, it can operate until 2083-84.
How will spent nuclear fuel be managed?
Spent fuel will be returned to Russia as per agreements between the governments.
What safety features are incorporated?
The plant has both active and passive safety systems to prevent and mitigate accidents. It can operate safely for 72 hours without any external input. Multiple barriers prevent radiation release.
How are people being safeguarded?
Radiation exposure is strictly controlled and monitored to be within regulatory limits for normal and accident conditions. Emergency planning is in place.
- Rooppur Nuclear Power Plant
- VVER-1200 design features
- World Nuclear Association. (2023). Nuclear Power in Bangladesh. [World Nuclear Association Website].
- Verification of VVER-1200 NPP Simulator in Normal Operation and Reactor Coolant Pump Coast-Down Transient
- Passive heat removal system installed at Rooppur NPP Unit 2 (Bangladesh)