RO Membrane CIP Procedure
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What is RO Membrane CIP (Clean-In-Place )

The Clean-In-Place (CIP) procedure for RO (Reverse Osmosis) membranes ensures efficient cleaning and maintenance to extend membrane life and improve performance.

Day-prior CIP preparations

  1. Equipment Check: Verify the condition of all valves, CIP pump, tank heater, and CIP filter.
  2. Preparation: Collect a hose pipe to fill fresh water into the CIP tank from the DM reserve tank.
  3. DM Water Storage: Ensure enough DM water is stored as DM generation will halt for the next 16 hours.
  4. Heating: Make sure to begin providing heating DM. Fill the CIP tank with water until the temperatures reach 40 degrees.

Chemicals and Materials:

  • Membrane Elements: 10 elements
  • CIP Solution Volume: 400 liters (10 elements * 40 liters)


What is Low flow pumping in CIP

  • Low flow pumping is a proses where we adjust Pump delivery valve( In this Case CIP delivery valve) in a way that RO pure water production will be minimum (Almost Zero Flow).
  • That means all CIP chemicals will return via RO waste water line in CIP tank.
  • To Achieving Low water flow CIP delivery valve V01 need to be close about 60% to 70% and maintain 2-2.5 bar pressure in CIP delivery.

What is High flow pumping in CIP

In High flow pumping there is no need to adjust CIP delivery valve V01.With Same Valve arrangement like low flow pumping, keeping the pressure under <4.0 bar The high flow rate flushes out the foulants removed from the membrane surface by the cleaning.

What is Soaking in CIP

Soaking refers to the step within the CIP process where the cleaning solution is held within the RO membrane for an certain period of time.
This allows the solution to dwell and thoroughly break down contaminants on the surfaces of the equipment being cleaned


Stage 1: Alkaline Cleaning to Remove Organics

  1. Heating: Heat the CIP tank with permeate (no chemical) to 35-40°C. Circulate heated DM water from CIP tank around the membranes for 10-15 minutes.
  2. Prepare Solution: Add 2-3% Genesol 40 to achieve approximately pH 12, maintaining 35-40°C.
    o Example: To make 400L Solution we need to add 400*3% = 12L of chemical.
  3. Low-Flow Pumping:
    o Flow rate: 3-4.5 m³/hr per pressure vessel
    o Pressure: 2-2.5 bar
    o 20-30 minutes Low flow pumping.
    o Drain 50L of dirty solution after starting low flow pumping. It will helps to maintain ph level of solution and prevents chemical solution get too dirty .
    o Pump the cleaning solution to displace process water. Allow some solution to drain via the concentrate valve to prevent dilution.
  4. Monitoring:
    o Measure pH, adjust if necessary, and maintain temperature.
    o Recirculate for 20-30 minutes. Discard and prepare a fresh solution if discolored.
  5. Soaking:
    o Allow to soak for 4-6 hours, with recirculation Chemicals in Low-Flow Pumping for 2-3 minutes every 45-60 minutes.
  6. High-Flow Pumping:
    o Flow rate: 8-10 m³/hr at <4.0 bar
    o Pump for 30-60 minutes.
  7. Final Flush: Flush with clean permeate until restore the natural 7-8 pH level by HP pump.

Before starting Stage 2

  • Drain and clean CIP tank.
  • Fill Cip tank With DM Water From DM tank.

    Stage 2: Microbiological Cleaning to Remove Organic Fouling

    1. Heating: No need for heating
    2. Prepare Solution: Add 0.02% Genesol 30. Use ambient temperature water .
      o Example: To make 400L Solution we need to add 400*0.02% = 80mL of chemical.
    3. Low-Flow Pumping:
      o Flow rate: 3-4.5 m³/hr per pressure vessel
      o Pressure: 2-2.5 bar
      o 20-30 minutes Low flow pumping.
      o Dump concentrate to prevent dilution of the CIP solution after starting low flow pumping.
      o It will helps to maintain ph level of solution and prevents chemical solution get too dirty .
      o Low pressure minimizes re-deposition of foulants on the membrane.
    4. Monitoring:
      o Measure pH, adjust if necessary, and recirculate for 20 minutes.
      o Monitor To prevent dilution of the CIP solution
      o Discard discolored solution if Solution get too dirty or discolored .
    5. Soaking:
      o Soak for at least one hour. Extend if fouling is severe.
    6. High-Flow Pumping:
      o Flow rate: 8-10.2 m³/hr at 1.5-4.0 bar
      o Pump for 30-60 minutes.
    7. Final Flush: Flush with clean permeate to restore natural pH.

    Stage 3: Acid Cleaning to Remove Iron and Inorganic Deposits

    1. Heating: Heat the CIP tank with permeate (no chemical) to 20-25°C. Circulate around the membranes for 10-15 minutes.
    2. Prepare Solution: Add 3-4% Genesol 38 to achieve pH 3.7, maintaining 20-25°C.
      o Example: To make 400L Solution we need to add 400*3.5% = 13L of chemical.
    3. Low-Flow Pumping:
      o Flow rate: 3-4.5 m³/hr per pressure vessel
      o Pressure: 2-2.5 bar
      o 20-30 minutes Low flow pumping.
      o Displace process water. Allow some solution to drain via the concentrate valve.
    4. Monitoring:
      o Measure pH, adjust if necessary, and recirculate for 20-30 minutes. Discard discolored solution.
    5. Soaking:
      o Soak for 4-6 hours, with recirculation for 2-3 minutes every 45-60 minutes.
    6. High-Flow Pumping:
      o Flow rate: 8-10 m³/hr at <4.0 bar
      o Pump for 30-60 minutes.
    7. Final Flush: Flush with clean permeate to restore natural pH.

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