Why Pt And Ct Terminals Are Star Connected | Yasir Arafin

Why Pt And Ct Terminals are Star Connected

Why Pt And Ct Terminals are Star Connected
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When it comes to electrical systems, Why Pt And Ct Terminals Are Star Connected ? specifically in the field of power transmission and distribution, the configuration of equipment is key to both performance and safety. Among the various connection patterns, the star connection of PT (Potential Transformer) and CT (Current Transformer) terminals stands out as the industry-standard method. In this article, we will delve into the why behind this method, unpacking both the technical benefits and the crucial safety improvements it offers to power systems.

Star Connection vs Delta Connection

Before diving into the details of PT terminals in star connection, let’s briefly compare star connection with delta connection. Both configurations have their own advantages and applications.

In a star connection, the neutral point is connected to the common terminal, making the line current and phase current equal.

On the other hand, in a delta connection, the line voltage and phase voltage are equal.

Star Connection Benefits Potential Transformer (PT)

  • Star vs. Delta: Both current and voltage transformers are typically star-connected.
  • Line Voltage in Star: In star configuration, line voltage is √3 times phase voltage, reducing voltage stress on each winding.
  • Cost Advantage: Lower line voltage translates to reduced insulation requirements, lowering material costs.

Technical Advantages of Star Connection

The star connection offers several technical advantages that make it a favorable option for connecting PT and CT terminals:

  • Simplified Calculations: The phase voltage is √3 times less than the line voltage, which simplifies the design and measurement of the system.
  • Balanced Load: Star connection promotes balance across the phases, which is crucial for the stability of the power system.
  • Neutral Availability: The presence of a neutral point is advantageous for various protection schemes and enables the connection of phase-to-neutral loads.

What is Potential Transformer (PT)

Before discussing the reasons for their star connection, it’s important to understand what PT and CT terminals are. PTs and CTs are instrumental in the measurement and protection of high voltage networks.

  • What is a PT? A PT is an instrument transformer that reduces high voltage levels to safer values suitable for meters and relays.
  • Components: Like any transformer, it has primary and secondary windings, electrically isolated but magnetically linked through a core.
  • Working Principle: Mutual induction between windings transfers the voltage change from primary to secondary.

Stepping Down Safely

  • Purpose: PTs protect low-voltage meters and relays from potentially damaging high voltages.
  • Applications: Commonly used in power systems for metering, protection, and control purposes.


  • PTs are essential for safe and accurate voltage measurement and protection in power systems.
  • Star connection offers cost and safety benefits compared to delta connection in this context.
  • Grounding the primary winding ensures effective fault current diversion.

Current Transformer (CT)

A CT serves a similar function but for current. It allows for the measurement of current in a circuit by reducing high currents to a smaller, manageable value.

The Safety Aspect of Star Connection

Safety is a paramount concern in power systems and the star connection inherently enhances safety:

  • GND (Ground) Reference: A star connection provides a ground reference point which is vital for protective relays and systems to function accurately.
  • Limited Fault Current: In the event of a ground fault, the fault current is limited due to the higher impedance of the star-connected system.
  • Ease of Insulation: Insulation requirements are reduced for a given voltage level, thus enhancing the overall safety and longevity of the system.
  • Primary Grounding: One terminal of the PT’s primary winding is grounded for safety.
  • Fault Protection: This grounding path diverts fault currents away from the power distribution system, enhancing safety.


What Are Pt And Ct Terminals?

PT (Potential Transformer) and CT (Current Transformer) terminals are used in electric power systems to step down high voltages and currents to safer levels for measurement or protection.

Why Is Star Connection Used For Pt And Ct?

Star connection in PT and CT terminals ensures voltage and current measurements are manageable and the system remains balanced for accurate monitoring and safety.

What Are The Benefits Of Star-connected Pt And Ct?

Star-connected PT and CT terminals provide improved safety, accurate measurement, easier fault detection, and better system stability during electrical power distribution.

How Does Star Connection Affect System Safety?

Star connection in PT and CT terminals lowers voltage levels, reducing the risk of electric shock and damage to measuring instruments, enhancing overall system safety.

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