Starting Procedure Of Alfa Laval Aalborg Av 6N EGB | Yasir Arafin

Starting Procedure of Alfa Laval Aalborg Av 6N EGB

Starting Procedure Of Alfa Laval Aalborg Av 6N EGB
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Starting Procedure of Alfa Laval Aalborg Av 6N EGB, ensure drain valves are shut, open the air vent, ensure circulating pump valves are open, crack open the inlet valve and close air vents when steam or water starts to issue, slowly open the inlet/outlet valve, and check valves and flanges before allowing the unit to warm through. The starting procedure of the Alfa Laval Aalborg Av 6N Exhaust Gas Boiler is an essential step for ensuring its efficient operation.

Starting Procedure of Alfa Laval Aalborg Av 6N EGB

Familiarity with Boiler Control Screen and Valve Positions

  • Understand the layout and functionality of the boiler control panel.
  • Identify the switches and valves relevant to manual operation.

Starting the Engine and Charging the Boiler

  • Follow the specific instructions for starting the engine and gradually charging the boiler.
  • Ensure the engine load reaches 60% before proceeding.

Cold Start Procedure for Low Water Temperature

  • Instructions for a cold start when the water temperature inside the steam drum is below 100°C.
Starting Procedure Of Alfa Laval Aalborg Av 6N EGB

Operating Modes: Auto vs. Manual

Auto Operation

  • Damper and Steam Header Blow Out Valve
  • Steam Header Main Inlet Valve

Manual Operation Mode Settings

  • Set the damper, blow out valve, and steam header main inlet valve to manual mode.

Checking Steam Drum Water Level

  • Verify the water level inside the steam drum.
  • If the level is too high, drain water using the HP drum blow down valve.
  • If the level is too low, fill water using the HP Economizer water inlet bypass valve.

Pressure Control by Damper

Step 1: Damper Opening Command and Temperature Control

Open the damper manually to 25% and Wait until temperature inside steam drum become 120⁰C. After reaching 120⁰C close the steam drum venting valve

Step 2: Damper Opening at 2 Bar Pressure

Open the damper manually to 50% once the steam pressure reaches 2 bar.

Step 3: Damper Opening at 4 Bar Pressure

Open the damper manually to 100% once the steam pressure reaches 4 bar.

Blow Out Valve Operation

  • Monitor the steam drum pressure and ensure it does not exceed 14 bar.
  • If the blow out valve does not work automatically, manually initiate the blow out procedure from the boiler control screen.
  • Continuously perform blow out until the steam temperature reaches more than 280°C.

Water Level Control During Blow Out

  • Observe the water level inside the steam drum during blow out.
  • If the water level continuously increases, close the HP economizer water inlet manual valve and drain water using the blow down valve.
  • Slowly open the manual valve and check if the water level is maintained.

Superheated Steam Temperature Control

  • Monitor the steam temperature in the boiler delivery line.
  • If the temperature of steam header inlet is below 120°C, pulse the steam header inlet valve from the boiler control screen.
  • Once the steam temperature of steam header inlet reaches 120°C, put the main steam inlet valve in auto mode.

Considerations for Steam Turbine Operation

  • Before putting the main steam inlet valve in auto mode, ensure the steam temperature inside the steam drum is above 280°C.
  • Maintain a minimum pressure difference between the header and steam drum to prevent thermal stress in the turbine.

Important Guidelines and Considerations

Pressure Settings and Steam Turbine Operation

Explanation of the recommended pressure settings and considerations for steam turbine operation.

HP Pump and LP Pump Delivery Pressure

  • HP pump delivery pressure should not less than 18 bar
  • LP pump delivery pressure should not less than 12 bar

Feed Water Tank Temperature Maintenance

  • Emphasis on maintaining the feed water tank temperature above 135°C at all times.

Soot Blowing Procedure

Frequency and Conditions for Soot Blowing

  • There must be at least one soot blow every four hours. Before beginning soot blowing, a few requirements must be met. The soot blow command won’t work otherwise.

Interlocks for Soot Blower Activation

  1. The necessary boiler’s steam delivery pressure must be greater than 7 bar.
  2. The damper should be open by at least 25%.
  3. The soot blower’s limit switch needs to be in the operating position (the green WOIS indication needs to be on in the soot blower page).

Initiating Soot Blow Command

Instructions for initiating the soot blow command from the Human-Machine Interface (HMI).

Troubleshooting And Maintenance Tips

In order to ensure the smooth starting procedure of the Alfa Laval Aalborg Av 6N Exhaust Gas Boiler, it is important to be aware of the common issues that may arise during the starting process. By understanding these issues and implementing proper troubleshooting techniques and regular maintenance practices, you can ensure that your boiler operates efficiently and effectively.

Common issues faced during the starting procedure

During the starting procedure, there are several common issues that may be encountered. These include:

  • Inadequate fuel supply
  • Pressure build-up
  • Malfunctioning pumps or valves

Identifying and addressing these issues promptly is essential to ensure the successful starting of the Alfa Laval Aalborg Av 6N Exhaust Gas Boiler.


How Do You Start A Boiler?

To start an boiler, hear some basic steps:

  1. Close drain valves and open air vent.
  2. Ensure circulating pump valves are open.
  3. Crack open the inlet valve and close air vents when steam or water starts to come out.
  4. Slowly open the inlet and outlet valves.
  5. Check valves and flanges.
  6. Allow the unit to warm through. It is important to follow these steps for a successful start-up of the exhaust gas boiler.

What Is The Operation Of Exhaust Gas Boiler?

Exhaust gas boilers operate by utilizing the heated exhaust gas from engines as a source of energy to generate steam or thermal oil. They are designed with a cylindrical shell, smoke tubes, and a water drum, with stay tubes providing support.

Opening drain valves, air vents, and inlet/outlet valves while ensuring pump valves are open allows for proper operation.

What Is The Difference Between Auxiliary Boiler And Exhaust Gas Boiler?

The difference between auxiliary boiler and exhaust gas boiler is the source of energy used. The exhaust gas boiler uses the heated exhaust gas from engines, while the auxiliary boiler can be fired with oil or gas. They also differ in the number of valves required for operation.

What Is An Exhaust Gas Boiler And How It Is Constructed And Work?

An exhaust gas boiler is a vertical boiler with a cylindrical shell surrounding the boiler tubes and water drum. It works by using the heated exhaust gas from engines as a source of energy to generate steam or thermal oil.

The boiler is constructed with smoke tubes and stay tubes for support.

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